Selasa, 05 Februari 2008

domain name

The most common types of domain names are hostnames that provide more memorable names to stand in for numeric IP addresses. They allow for any service to move to a different location in the topology of the Internet (or an intranet), which would then have a different IP address.

By allowing the use of unique alphabetical addresses instead of numeric ones, domain names allow Internet users to more easily find and communicate with web sites and other server-based services. The flexibility of the domain name system allows multiple IP addresses to be assigned to a single domain name, or multiple domain names to be assigned to a single IP address. This means that one server may have multiple roles (such as hosting multiple independent Web sites), or that one role can be spread among many servers. One IP address can also be assigned to several servers, as used in anycast and hijacked IP space.

Hostnames are restricted to the ASCII letters "a" through "z" (case-insensitive), the digits "0" through "9", and the hyphen, with some other restrictions. Registrars restrict the domains to valid hostnames, since, otherwise, they would be useless. The Internationalized domain name (IDN) system has been developed to bypass the restrictions on character allowances in hostnames, making it easier for users of non-English alphabets to use the Internet. The underscore character is frequently used to ensure that a domain name is not recognized as a hostname, for example with the use of SRV records, although some older systems, such as NetBIOS did allow it. Due to confusion and other reasons, domain names with underscores in them are sometimes used where hostnames are required.

web design

Before you start groaning, no, I'm not going to start another discussion about using HTML tables for layout or CSS for layout. But how you write that HTML and lay out your Web pages can impact how your pages rank in search engines. And, interestingly enough :-) CSS layouts are typically easier to impact the order of your content than table-based layouts. The following article explains how layouts can affect search engine optimization.

web hosting

If you've always wanted to build a Web site about yourself, your hobbies, or your family, many free Web host options are out there--too many, in fact. To help you choose, we start with three popular sites, EarthLink, Yahoo, and Tripod (owned by Lycos).

In addition to offering various paid plans and even plans suitable for small businesses, each Web host also offers free hosting. Our favorite, EarthLink, offers the best deal in free Web sites, providing the tools to build your own site and the ability to get technical support while doing so. The free option is limited to EarthLink subscribers, but we were nonetheless impressed by the offering. Our next favorite, open to anyone, is Yahoo GeoCities. While Yahoo GeoCities offers considerably less file storage space than EarthLink and doesn't provide much technical support, it does give you the tools you need to succeed. And then there's Tripod, a service from Tripod offers more file storage space than Yahoo GeoCities, but its Web-building tools are clumsy in comparison. Finally, only EarthLink offers free Web sites without paid advertising.

internet marketing

Internet marketing, also referred to as online marketing or Emarketing, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. The Internet has brought many unique benefits to marketing including low costs in distributing information and media to a global audience. The interactive nature of Internet marketing, both in terms of instant response and in eliciting response, are unique qualities of the medium.

Internet marketing ties together creative and technical aspects of the internet, including design, development, advertising and sales. Internet marketing methods include search engine marketing, display advertising, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, interactive advertising, online reputation management and also Social Media Marketing Methods such as blog marketing, and viral marketing.

Internet marketing is the process of growing and promoting an organization using online media. Internet marketing does not simply mean 'building a website' or 'promoting a website'. Somewhere behind that website is a real organization with real goals.

Internet marketing strategy includes all aspects of online advertising products, services, and websites, including market research, email marketing, and direct sales.

google adv

The Google content network comprises hundreds of thousands of high-quality websites, news pages, and blogs that partner with Google to display targeted AdWords ads. When you choose to advertise on the content network, you can expand your marketing reach to targeted audiences--and potential customers--visiting these sites every day. There's no larger network for contextual advertising in the world.

Partner Logos

As an AdWords advertiser, you can hand-pick sites from the content network or simply let Google's proven ad targeting display your ads on the website pages most relevant to your products and services.

Content network reach

The Google content network reaches over 75% of unique internet users in more than 20 languages and over 100 countries. As a result, if you advertise on both the Google search network and the Google content network, you have the potential to reach three of every four unique internet users on Earth.

Country Unique Reach
Germany 89%
Japan 86%
France 79%
United Kingdom 75%
United States 76%
Global 75%
Source: comScore Networks machine-based panel

Of course, you're always in control of your ad targeting: you can narrow or expand your focus to specific countries or regions at any time.

Kamis, 31 Januari 2008

apa komentar anda

1. Coca-cola dulu berwarna hijau.

2. Nama yang paling umum digunakan di dunia adalah Mohammed.

3. Dalam bahasa inggris, semua nama benua diawali dan diakhiri dengan huruf vokal yang sama.

4. Otot terkuat yang ada di badan kita adalah lidah.

5. Setiap orang di USA punya 2 kartu kredit!

6. TYPEWRITER adalah kata terpanjang yang dapat diketik dalam satu baris tuts keyboard anda.

7. Perempuan ngedip dua kali lebih banyak dari pada laki-laki.

8. Menahan nafas tidak akan membuatmu mati.

9. Setiap manusia tidak dapat menjilat siku tangannya sendiri.

10. Kalau ada orang mengucapkan doa setiap kali ada yang bersin karena memang setiap kali kau bersin, jantungmu berhenti satu milisecond.

11. Secara fisik, setiap babi tidak bisa melihat ke langit.

12. Ucapkan “sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick” beberapa kali, nanti anda akan mahir berbahasa inggris!

13. Bersin terlalu keras dapat mematahkan tulang iga, memutuskan pembuluh darah di kepala atau leher dan mengakibatkan kematian.

14. Setiap raja dalam kartu remi melambangkan raja-raja besar jaman dahulu kala:
Raja sekop - Raja Daud
Raja keriting - Alexander Agung
Raja hati - Raja Charlemagne
Raja wajik - Julius Caesar

15. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987, 654,321

16. Kalau ada patung orang naik kuda dan dua kaki depan kuda itu naik di udara, itu tandanya orang itu mati dalam perang.

17. Kalau kaki kudanya cuma satu yang diangkat berarti orang itu cuma terluka dalam perang.

18. Kalau semua kaki kudanya menjejak tanah, berarti orang itu meninggal karena sakit.

19. Apa persamaan rompi anti peluru, printer laser, tangga darurat dan wiper mobil? Jawabannya: semua ditemukan oleh perempuan! Hah!

20. Satu-satunya makanan yang tidak bisa busuk? Jawaban: madu.

21. Buaya nggak bisa melet lidah.

22. Siput bisa tidur selama 3 tahun.

23. Semua beruang kutub KIDAL!

24. American Airlines menghemat $40,000 tahun 1987 dengan cara mengurangi 1 buah olive dari setiap piring salad yang mereka sajikan untuk penumpang kelas 1.

25. Indera perasa kupu-kupu ada di kaki.

26. Gajah adalah satu-satunya hewan yang tidak bisa lompat.

27. Selama 4000 tahun belakangan ini, jenis hewan yang dipelihara di rumah cuma itu-itu saja.

28. Rata-rata manusia lebih takut pada laba-laba daripada kematian.

29. Shakespeare menemukan kata: “Assassination” dan “bump”

30. Dengan menggunakan cara mengetik 10 jari, STEWARDESSES adalah kata terpanjang yang bisa diketik hanya dengan jari-jari tangan kiri.

31. Semut selalu jatuh ke kanan setiap kali disemprot cairan anti hama

32. Kursi listrik ditemukan oleh seorang dokter gigi

33. Jantung manusia dapat menyemprotkan darah sejauh 30 kaki.

34. Dalam 18 bulan, 2 ekor tikus bisa punya lebih dari sejuta anak tikus!

35. Memakai headphone selama satu jam dapat menstimulasi perkembangan bakteri dalam telinga sebanyak 700 kali lipat!

36. Pemantik ditemukan sebelum korek api.

37. Setiap lipstik mengandung sisik ikan.

38. Seperti sidik jari, lidah manusia pun mempunyai kontur yang berbeda-beda.

39. 99% orang yang membaca tulisan ini mencoba mengalikan fakta no. 15

40. Dan akhirnya, 99% orang yang baca tulisan ini pasti mencoba menjilat siku tangannya, hehehe…:D